Systematic Review of Adaptive Learning Technology for Learning in Higher Education

Jorge Leoncio Rivera Muñoz, Federico Moscoso Ojeda, Dina Lizbeth Aparicio Jurado, Percy Fritz Puga Peña, Christian Paolo Martel Carranza, Haydeé Quispe Berríos, Shanda Ugarte Molina, Amanda Rosa Maldonado Farfan, José Luis Arias-Gonzáles, Mario José Vasquez-Pauca

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

76 Scopus citations


The current study utilized a strategic search approach based on publishing trends, instructional, research methodological components, research emphasis, and adaptive techniques and technology, During the last one decade, several peer-reviewed articles have addressed to different dimensions of this domain area. However, there is a lack of a comprehensive and systematic narrative which can portray a review of studies and literature on this subject. This paper is an attempt to review the existing literature of recent times on adaptive learning technology in higher education. A total of 112 studies on adaptive learning were assessed to characterize the status and identify literature gaps. Following Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA), a systematic search was conducted using key databases to ensure the identification of all relevant articles. Documentation of many descriptive criteria, such as publishing trends, educational environment, and study technique components, was made available. The current study looked at the study focus, adaptive tactics, and adaptable technology. In some studies, the authors also looked at the design, development, implementation, and assessment processes. The authors used content and instructional models as well as adaptive sources to investigate adaptive approaches. The most widely investigated adaptive objectives were learner characteristics such as learning style and adaptive feedback and navigation. The findings of this study, which highlight research gaps for adaptive learning designers and researchers in the future, will be useful. To discover more about how adaptive learning might help people learn and advance, more study is needed. The lack of didactic literature on adaptive learning and the need to integrate domain expert knowledge emphasized the necessity of this research. This review adds to the body of theoretical reviews in the analytics literature of this domain. While prior theoretical reviews were restricted to methodological challenges and techniques and a relatively narrower application of adaptive learning, this study attempted to widen the application areas by making use of varied implementation techniques and a qualitative assessment of literature and a systematic selection and analysis of research studies.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)221-233
Number of pages13
JournalEurasian Journal of Educational Research
Issue number98
StatePublished - 2022


  • Adaptive learning
  • Design and development
  • Implementation
  • Technology


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